

Welcome to Brechin City Hall’s website!

From the 1st June 2016, the City Hall was handed over to community management and this marked the start of a very exciting journey for our local hall.

Brechin City Hall Users’ Group, affectionately known as BCHug, are working to maintain and improve the facilities available at the hall so it can be enjoyed by everyone for many years to come.

We were awarded charitable status in March 2018 and more recently LEADER funding in February 2019.

Take a browse round our site. You can easily find our rates for hire and make a booking enquiry online too. You can also find out how you can get involved with our project – simply visit our Get Involved section.

To keep up to date with the latest news and events, follow us on Facebook.

If you are looking to book a ticket for one of our events, find our page on Ticketsource