A Big Day of Events with BAOS on Saturday 10th February

Brechin Amateur Operatic Society (BAOS), will host their annual big day of events on Saturday 10th February in Brechin City Hall.


The day kicks off with a coffee morning and craft fayre from 10am until 12noon. It’s £2 entry with refreshments included.

There’s then a bingo afternoon from 2pm until 5pm. Again entry is £2 including refreshments. Bingo books are £1 each.

The day is rounded off with a Ceilidh with music by Steven Carcary from 7.30pm until 11.45pm. Entry is £9 per person which includes supper. For Ceilidh tickets please text or call 0771 944669 or email: alisonniven@hotmail.co.uk


Lots going on and something that appeals to everyone. See you all there